Tuesday, February 2, 2010

doodles again

I'm a member of the FAE team on Etsy, (the Fantasy Artists of Etsy), a wonderful and very chatty group.

Last month the FAE team decided it would be fun for the members to have a challenge amongst ourselves every month. We would have a theme to inspire us and we would go from there.

The theme for the month of January was "old moon or wolf moon". One of the FAE team encouraged me to participate and suggested the theme werewolf for me.

I had not expected I would have time to tackle the challenge, I have been busy writing and illustrating a short story.

So, I went with Cara, (from the FAE team), suggestion- werewolf.

Well, I went at it with gusto and stopped my writing project for a while.

Werewolf I thought...
That is a subject that is overdone and and extraordinarily stereotyped when it comes to imagery and content.

So...I thought of the "old Moon" context when it came to werewolf.
Which led me to OLD werewolves.
What would OLD werewolves be like?
Of course, I hate horror, gore, blood and all things scary..
so that meant tackling OLD werewolves from my perspective...more humor and from a 4th Grader's view...(easy peasy for me-sy)

The illustration of of the characters led of course to a poem.
And as the project continued...I realized I have something here that I wish to submit to a few publications.

Which to do so...I can not show anyone the art or the writing before publication. Posting the art, even on a blog, is considered being published. Publications do NOT want anything that is published.

Of course, I wanted to share with the FAE team who inspired me to take the challenge in the first place...and not being able too...I had to think of how to do so...

so...this is what I came up with...
I will show you the (very first) rough thumbnail sketches of two of the characters of the poem..

Toussaint the Teethy...
and the Witch Maggie Mubbin...

oh yea...did I mention the short story I was working on?
Did anybody want to hear about that?



  1. mun ye go teaserating yon circle of fae like that?

    a doodle, a dangle, a nip, a toothy chomp- whar's the diff?

    sly thing, do share your story...

  2. Quite the tease you are, k! By the way: *Fantasy* Artists of Etsy. =)

  3. Hurrah! I knew you'd be thinking up a way to show and share your works. I love the Teethy. You will let us know when and where if it gets published, of course? Of course!

  4. The Witch Maggie Mubbin....Iys lovel it!Iys wishes,Iys wishes ,Iys wishes to be in FAE. Can Iys open mey eyes maintenant? Tell yer full tale less a messy conflusteration!

  5. Ooh! Ooh! I do! I love a good story! *^_^*

  6. Kevin, they look fantastic! I can't wait to see what they get up to together.

    Or...I mean, I can. Wait, that is. Just this week I've heard some real horror stories about artists having their work ripped off from their websites/blogs--so keep your wonders safe from the pyrates until you've got them all finished up and protected.

    Meanwhile, maybe you could just show us bits and pieces. An elbow here...a kneecap there...

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Thankee, thankee and an extra thankee

    I shall see how I can dribble a bit here and there...it is a dangerous world out there full of pyraties


  9. Mey Beastly deariest K
    Of curses Iys furgives ya mey chuckles!and big tudoodles fur that ther gifty you kindly leftover on mey bloggy. Mey little eyiz popped up bigger than mey 3" crown!

    Rainey ó Tír na hÉireann
